Maxim Khomiakov

Maxim on Machine Learning

🎉 Awarded Best Oral presentation: Nordic AI Meet 2022

2022-11-14Maxim Khomiakov

In November I had the pleasure of presenting preliminary results from on-going work. The conference, Nordic AI Meet was being held in Oslo, Norway and included a great mix of graduate students, professors and academics, while also featuring ML-focused startups and organisations. I enjoyed the organisation and the diversity of talks from the lecturers, and a size which was not too big to easily engage and meet new people.

Following the presentations of all the researchers, there was an informal ceremony where the best poster and the best oral was chosen. The quality of the presentations and the researchers here was quite high, and thus I did not anticipate, nor was I prepared for when my name was announced. A big thanks to the organisers of this event, and for my fellow researchers awarding me this honor - Looking forward to returning to Nordic AI Meet in 2023.

