2024 - A retrospective
After having an excellent external research stay at the end of 2023 with Filip Biljecki at the National University of Singapore, I touched down back in Copenhagen, Denmark with a fairly busy calendar.
My PhD thesis was due in a few months, my first born baby was due in a few months, and I was interviewing with various companies in order to secure what would eventually become some form of household income into our new upcoming family.
Needless to say, it fortunately worked out beyond my expectations - I received an incredible gift of becoming a father, successfully defending my PhD and started a exciting new gig with Apple.
Since then it has been sparse with opportunities to update this site with content, thoughts and writings. And thus this is a restart of those efforts.
2025 has only just begun, and its looking more exciting than ever. I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and scribbles along the way.
Below some fotos from the past 12-18 months of genuinely awesome adventures.